Grab my free eBook for Ease and Flow, the Power of Ritual

3 rituals that took me from overwhelm and burnout to ease, flow and abundance. Allowing divine synchronicities to unfold daily.

“Relaxation does not mean sleep. Relaxation means to be blissfully happy; it has no end. I call bliss absolute relaxation; sleep is a different matter. Sleep gives only mind and sense relaxation. Bliss relaxes the atom, the inner self; that is why in tantra, Yoga Nidra is the doorway to Samadhi (focused yet effortless state of meditation).”  ~Saraswati~


A completely FREE download for you to enjoy 15mins of bliss.

Yoga Nidra is the practice of allowing our body to enter the state of deep rest and restore, known as yogic sleep, however it’s not sleep.


Trudy, NSW

Edwina The last week has been challenging on many levels Doing our gathering Friday and knowing we had this space today A community of women like minded Reminded me of who I am Sometimes life can really throw us challenges that test your self worth and it’s spaces that come into our life’s of total strangers that keep your head above the water xo Thank you x 🙏🏻

Sarah, NSW

I mean every word. I said it at the start as to why I was drawn to you in the first place and you are what just downloaded, an embodiment specialist! There you go, another name for your gifts. 😉😘 The alignment of everything you’re sharing and we are practicing is everything my body mind and spirit is calling in amidst the change

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